Nautilus Developers. Desarrollo de software a medida. Consultoría.

About Nautilus

Hi, I'm Víctor, CEO of Nautilus and I started studying programming at the age of 10 due to a funny mistake that I'll tell you about below.

I am a software developer, also hold a degree in industrial design, and, alongside the Nautilus team, focus on developing technological solutions designed with a strategic vision to organize and optimize companies' internal processes.

What does this mean?

It means that we look beyond the specific problem that you present to us. 

This implies:

And you will wonder...

 Won't it be too slow and complicated?

The answer is no.

Because we work with Agile Methodologies and the Industry 4.0 Methodology, which provide a clear framework for everyone involved. We plan the work in stages, each one with delivery dates and deliverables. We see the progress stage by stage and we are constantly learning thanks to the feedback and permanent communication between you and our team.

What's that funny mistake I said earlier I'd tell you about?

I tell you. My grandparents raised me and they always cared a lot about giving me a good education. I suppose they felt too old to raise a child and they didn't want me to have an education that was outdated for my time. So, thinking about my future, at the age of 10 they enrolled me in a computer course.

It was a course in Basic, which is a programming language and not a basic computer course for beginners like my grandfather thought.

The truth is that I made life more complicated for the teacher, who suddenly had a child who distorted the dynamics of a class designed for adults. Not because I was particularly bad, I was just a child and needed different care.

I don't know if I disappointed you with the story, which may not be as funny as you expected, but hey, it's important to me because thanks to this mistake of my grandfather's I discovered my passion for programming.

From there, I never stopped learning, I worked as a programmer in several companies and now I lead my own team, with which we integrate software development with the global vision provided by the strategic approach and industrial design.

Víctor Porras